Kia Ora Marists and friends, Easter Joy!

Its a privilege to celebrate freely when much of the world cannot. So let’s add gratitude with extra intercession for the world to our Easter.

LIBRARY. Thanks to Ellen our library can loan books. We have Marist titles and general spirituality, books on Mary, spiritual direction, prayer, seasons of life (Parenting, Aging, Life & Death, Women, Mothering, etc). This month Ellen recommendsPraying with Dorothy Day. “The reader is lightly introduced to Dorothy Day, exploring how she related to Jesus in her life and the lives of those she knew.  It’s practical as well as reflective. Email your request to with LIBRARY as the subject. We will post the book within NZ with an invoice for P&P.  You may borrow the title for a month.

Ellen has suggested an online book club once a month. Contact us if you are interested.

Enjoy Easter and let’s keep the world in prayer, and continue to pray for the Cause of Suzanne Aubert and Fr Colin as we journey through these strange times.

With prayer and blessings, Bev, Margaret & Fr Chris. 



An easy to print PDF version of this news is available HERE 






Pope’s April prayer Intention. 

“Surely, you’ve heard about the drama of addiction. And… have you also thought about the addiction to gambling, pornography, the internet… and the dangers of virtual space? Supported by the “Gospel of Mercy” we can alleviate, care for, and heal the suffering associated with new kinds of addiction.

We pray that those suffering from addiction may be properly helped and accompanied.” Video of the Pope’s intention for April:








Suzanne Aubert News

In January the Sisters received a request from the neurological specialist appointed by the Vatican to review medical records of the alleged miracle granted a Christchurch woman through the intercession of Suzanne Aubert. The doctor asked for a number of special tests and clarifications of key points currently being reviewed for referral to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints.

The Sisters write, “We remain optimistic that all the necessary requirements and checks have been completed and that we will very soon hear that the alleged miracle has been accepted. While we must remain committed to praying that it be God’s will for Suzanne’s intercession to be formally acknowledged by Rome, we remain very hopeful. If the Beatification does happen this year, it will be a truly remarkable event and at a time when we could all do with some good news!”

Prayer for the Beatification of Venerable Suzanne Aubert

Lord Jesus Christ, you taught us that as often as we show compassion to the least of your brothers and sisters, we show it to you. Hear our prayers that the intercession of Venerable Suzanne Aubert, who supported the Māori people and devoted her life to the poor, the sick and the underprivileged, and whom the Church has declared to be one of your true and humble followers, will be recognized in a miraculous healing by the Church and will lead to her beatification. Amen.









You, your ideas and both personal and community actions are needed.

Please share proposals or actions with us at the office so you can encourage others. I will add more material as it becomes available.

NZ’s Climate Commission Work.

The NZ Arch Diocese of Wellington is encouraging NZ Catholic’s to get involved. Check it out here- New Zealand’s Climate Commission work ‘absolutely vital’.