In this month’s reflection we hear of Ellen’s sense of God’s presence in the storms of life, and her desire to also feel God’s presence during the ordinariness of day-to-day routines.
For the reflection material click HERE
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Begin with Prayer, then read Psalm 42:
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?
My tears have been my food day and night, while people say to me all day long, ‘where is your God?’
These things I remember as I pour out my soul: how I used to go to the house of God under the protection of the Mighty One with shouts of joy and praise among the festive throng.
Read the Scripture again to yourself. Notice how you feel.
Share a word, phrase, or sense that touches you.
Listen to the Reflection or Read the Script.
To Listen to the Audio, click HERE
Marist Moment:
“You have sometimes seen little dogs … always rubbing against their master. If the master is speaking to someone else, the dog does not, for all that, stop frisking about him, licking his hand. But if it sees its master is paying no attention to it, well, it still does not go off, but settles at his feet. You should do the same [with God].”
J C Colin on dryness and a simple child-like spirit. FS 28:1
Use these questions as starters to help guide your sharing.
- What strikes you most from todays reflection?
- How are you impacted by storms or the adrenalin of drama in your life?
- Which do you find more life sustaining—quiet rhythms or the unpredictable storms? Why?
- Mary and Joseph had their fill of both quiet rhythms and powerful storms. What can we learn from their hidden years of Egypt and Nazareth?
- Read the Marist moment together. When have you experienced boredom with God or your Faith and what touches you about this image of a little dog, from Fr Colin
Pray together then conclude with this prayer
Hold me Lord, that the boredom of ordinariness not overwhelm me.
Help me to remember that you nourish me in every circumstance and that routine times are not necessarily dry and parched, but renewing, life-sustaining and strengthening because You are with me.
Teach me the gift of stillness, so that I may wait on You and your Holy Spirit in all the seasons of my life. Hallelujah. Amen.