Kia Ora Lay Marists, Marian Mothers & friends,


The winter school term has begun and with it the winter chill. In NZ and around the world many are recovering after massive floods. Covid issues continue with fishing vessels berthing with sick seamen, Australia impacted by lockdowns and Fiji struggling. We continue our prayers for all and for an end to this pandemic. We pray you and your families are in good health.

Bev has reluctantly decided not to fly till after her Covid vaccinations. No sign of that yet but contact her to explore a visit in October/November.

Blessings and prayer from Bev, Margaret & Fr Chris.


 For an easy-to-read PDF version of this month’s Marist Laity news, click HERE

 For an easy-to-read PDF version of this month’s Marian Mothers news, click HERE


Te Ara a Maria: Mary’s Way – NZ to be Rededicated to Mary – 15th August

Bishop Pompallier dedicated New Zealand to Our Lady Assumed into Heaven when he arrived in 1838. In a pastoral letter about that dedication, the New Zealand bishops wrote, ‘Bishop Pompallier placed our country under the protection of Mary as she is now – alive, body and soul, rejoicing in the happiness of God’s kingdom.’  Responding to requests our Bishops will rededicate the country to “Te Ara a Maria: Mary’s Way” at St Mary of the Angels in Wellington on 15th August. It then becomes the national shrine of Mary. Te Ara a Maria was suggested by Lay Marist, Manuel Beazley. Fr Kevin Mowbray sm, of St Mary of the Angels, says the parish is honoured and excited to be chosen as the national shrine. ‘Mary herself was a pilgrim following her son in difficult and dangerous times,’ said Fr Kevin. ‘So it is fitting we should ask her, at this present moment in our history through such a rededication, to accompany the Church in Aotearoa New Zealand as it too walks in faith with the Lord.’ A new Icon of Mary will be unveiled on the 15th and then make its way around the country. All Diocese’ are invited to celebrate the country’s rededication under Mary’s care and prayer at their Sunday Mass on 15th.

Please send in your photos and news of how your community celebrate 15th August. Also listen out for a beautiful new song by Fr Chris written for the occasion. It’s embargoed till the 15th.




“For a Synodal Church: communion, participation, mission.” 

Pope Francis has said that the Synod of Bishops in 2023 should begin with a bottom-up full diocesan-level process of consultation, which “will require patience, work, allowing people to talk so that the wisdom of the people of God will come forth…”. He is also very clear that this is a process of discernment.

Cardinal John Dew states, “Pope Francis will open the Synod process 9-10 October in Rome, then every diocese in the world will have an Opening Mass on Sunday 17 October… This is our chance to be involved, to walk together, to listen to the Holy Spirit and to one another, to be in communion, to participate and to respond to our call to mission.

There will be much more information coming your way, in the meantime please pray that each one of us will make the most of the opportunity.”



Pope’s August Prayer Intention  – The Church

Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel.



Mary, Mother of Good Hope.

A reminder to dedicate your friends and family expecting a baby to Mary Mother of Good Hope.

Mother of Good Hope | Marist Laity (

The Marist Family, Lay and Religious dedicate mother, family and baby to the care of Mary. They receive ongoing prayer from the Marist family for a safe delivery, a life of grace and the gift of belonging in the family of God. There is a lovely prayer to join in praying.

All are welcome so please share the invite with others.  





*The Laudato Si year ended in May 2021 but care for our common home continues. Bokashi ‘composting’ works for small homes or apartments. Take a look on our Facebook page.


*The year of St Joseph runs till December. How are you bringing St Joseph into your life?


*The year of St Ignatius: The theme of the year is To see all things new in Christ”. In 2022 it is 400 years since the canonization of St Ignatius with St Francis Xavier, St Teresa of Jesus, St Isidore  and St Philip Neri. We will share Ignatian themed offerings as they are available.



 Laudato Si: You, your ideas and both personal and community actions are needed.

 Please share proposals or actions with us at the office so you can encourage others. I will add more material as it becomes available.


NZ’s Climate Commission Work.

 The NZ Arch Diocese of Wellington is encouraging NZ Catholic’s to get involved. Check it out here- New Zealand’s Climate Commission work ‘absolutely vital’.