Kia Ora Lay Marists, Marian Mothers & friends,
The retreat for the Immaculate Heart of Mary was special. Glen Eden Marian Mothers have been together for 18 years, with a core involved since the beginning, so that made it quite festive. If you want a retreat day in your area —contact Bev.
The Marist Centre worked well as a venue and the theme Set Free along with plenty of sunshine and fun, meant spirits were greatly lifted. Here’s a couple of photos from the day.
The 23rd July is Fourvière Day when all Marists remember the Founding pledge. So it’s a good day to recall the Marist founders, the first Marist missionaries to New Zealand and the Pacific and to give thanks for their legacy which we continue today. As the Covid vaccination roll-out continues, let’s pray for an end to the pandemic.
First Professions
On Sat 19 June, at St Anne’s Parish, Obili, Africa, 4 young men were professed in the Society of Mary! The photo below is taken with SM Superior General Fr John Larsen and G.C. Fr Ben McKenna. We congratulate them on this key step, and ask that you pray for Sebastien, Godlove, Joseph and Clovis.
Stay safe and enjoy Fr Chris singing about St Joseph this month, Bev & Margaret
For an easy-to-read PDF version of this month’s Marist Laity news, click HERE
For an easy-to-read PDF version of this month’s Marian Mothers news, click HERE
On 9th July, a long-time member of Marist Third Order, Pat Jonas, celebrates her 100th birthday!
A very Happy Birthday Pat, from all your Marist family.
Get together and watch the superb Gospel TV series “The Chosen”. Jonathan Roumi who plays Jesus is Catholic. You may need the App to ‘cast’ it, or use a computer but it is free and worth it. (
The Word ( has online Catholic daily Mass readings, reflections, information and inspiration. You will see clips and testimonies from Cardinal John Dew, Fr Neil Vaney SM and many others. Guess who did July’s Marist Messenger daily readings?
Use our ‘Living the Word’ Sunday Scripture reflections
Test your knowledge with Bible based games there are lots of free games at
Go to the NZ Bible Society for a wide range of resources.
Take out or gift a Marist Messenger subscription which has the daily readings in its magazine.
Use a website or App like Universalis or Evangelizo (there’s many others).
Open your Bible each day to reflect and pray. It is God’s love letter.
Pope’s July Prayer Intention – Social Friendship
We pray that, in social, economic and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship.
*The Laudato Si year ended in May 2021 but care for our common home continues. Bokashi ‘composting’ works for small homes or apartments. Take a look on our Facebook page.
*The year of St Joseph runs till December. How are you bringing St Joseph into your life?
*The year of St Ignatius: The theme of the year is “To see all things new in Christ”. In 2022 it is 400 years since the canonization of St Ignatius with St Francis Xavier, St Teresa of Jesus, St Isidore and St Philip Neri. We will share Ignatian themed offerings as they are available.
Laudato Si: You, your ideas and both personal and community actions are needed.
Please share proposals or actions with us at the office so you can encourage others. I will add more material as it becomes available.
NZ’s Climate Commission Work.
The NZ Arch Diocese of Wellington is encouraging NZ Catholic’s to get involved. Check it out here- New Zealand’s Climate Commission work ‘absolutely vital’.