Bev is back this month, sharing her inspiration from a book by Joyce Rupp OSM – ‘Fresh Bread and other gifts..’

Her reflection is taken from 2 Corinthians ‘ you are a letter from Christ’

For the reflection material click HERE


An easy-to-print Marian Mothers guide can be found HERE


Begin your meeting with a prayer, then read 2 Corinthians 3:2-3

 You are yourselves our letter, written in our hearts, that anybody can see and read, and it is plain that you are a letter from Christ, drawn up by us, and written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God, not on stone tablets but on the tablets of your living hearts.




  • Read the Scripture again to yourself then share a word, phrase, or sense that touches you.

  • Listen to the Reflection or Read the Script.


To listen to the Reflection online, click HERE.




Simply use the questions as starters to guide your sharing.


  • What struck you most from the reflection?

  • How challenging or comforting is it to see yourself as; “… a letter from Christ”? 

  • What draws you to Jesus or what qualities of Jesus do you value most?

  • What is written in your heart about God and if someone asked you to share your relationship with Jesus, what would you say or do?

  • It is probably easier to see Mary as a love letter from Christ. What will help you be more open to the Holy Spirit writing God’s love into action in your daily life?



Pray with and for each other then conclude with this prayer.

Loving Jesus, I am drawn to you, you are the image of the Father’s love, filled with desire to reveal God’s kingdom.

How I long to know you more

to follow you more closely

belong to you more fully 

    and be more open to your Holy Spirit equipping me and shining through me

    I want to live as a love letter from you and surrender to you more completely each day.

Lord, you know my weakness and distractions, reach out to me, show me again how much you love me and equip me to be generous in responding to your call with the faith, trust, simplicity and love of Mary. 
