Amie Fouhy is a Marist Laity member from Tawa, who has presented a reflection on the encounter that Jesus has with a Samaritan woman at the well, and the last words of Jesus on the cross. It reminds us that the love Jesus has for us is limitless.
For the Marist Laity reflection material click HERE
An easy to print Marist Laity guide to the reflection can be found HERE
Begin with Thanksgiving and Prayer, then read John 7:37-38
Jesus stood up and said in a loud voice,
“Whoever is thirsty should come to me, and whoever believes in me should drink.
As the scripture says, ‘Streams of life-giving water will flow out from his side.'”
Read the Scripture again to yourself, then share a word, phrase, or sense that touches you.
Listen to the Reflection (see link below)or Read the Script.
To Listen to the Audio, click HERE
Now watch the Mother Teresa Reflection on video HERE
Simply use these questions as starters to guide your sharing.
What do we thirst for?
Leave your old water jar behind (John 4:28) – allow Jesus to show you the wells and places and people in your life you turn to, before turning to Him.
How have you encountered Jesus?
How have you shared Jesus with others?
How do we satisfy this thirst that Jesus has for us?
O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you,
my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Psalm 63: 1
Marist Moment
Let us never appear in front of Jesus Christ except covered with the merits of his mother,
and then, to speak to the eternal Father, let us take on those of Jesus Christ.’
Fr J C Colin (FS, doc. 39, § 46 )
Pray for each other’s needs then conclude with this prayer
Lord, may we also be like the Samaritan woman:
willing to examine our lives in Jesus’ presence
and may we share with others what it is like to meet with Jesus.
Give us and all who thirst for you that living water of your Spirit:
Water of refreshment, Water of healing,
Water of cleansing, Water of life.
Jesus, Wellspring of Eternal Life, Pray for Us.