The June reflection takes inspiration from St Marcellin Champagnat
and is titled “Mary Our Ordinary Resource.”
For the reflection material click HERE
An easy to print guide to the reflection can be found HERE
Our newsletter can be found HERE
Pray for each other’s needs then conclude with this prayer:
Down-to-earth God of love,
how will we ever grasp the mystery,
that you came to be one of us,
and are even now among us.
In this sacred space,
let us know who we really are –
no need for airs or graces or masks of any kind.
Whisper your name into our hearts
and open our ears to hear the different harmonies
of your Word made flesh.
~ Borrowed from “Sharing the Mission: Brothers and Lay Together” by Br Kevin Dobbyn and Br Kevin Wanden–Reflections/Praying-with-Marcellin.pdf
“But I will dare to say that as long as God does not abandon me – I am not afraid of anything.”
~ St Marcellin Champagnat