Fr. David Kennerley sm, is the presenter of the reflection this month, entitled, “Mary Our Help” We hear that, as Marists, our relationship with Mary is special – Mary has made a choice of us and we therefore have a rightful claim on her consistent help.
For the Marian Mothers reflection material click HERE
An easy to print Marian Mothers guide to the reflection can be found HERE
Begin with Thanksgiving and Prayer, then read Mark 3:20-21; 31-35
Jesus went home again and once more such a crowd gathered, they couldn’t even have a meal. When his relatives heard this, they set out to take charge of him, convinced he was out of his mind…… His mother and brothers arrived and, standing outside, sent a message asking for him.
A crowd was sitting around him at the time the message was passed to him, ‘Your mother, brothers and sisters are outside asking for you’. And looking around at those in a circle about him, he said, ‘Here are my mother, my brothers.
Anyone who does the will of God is my brother, sister, and mother’.
Read the Scripture again to yourself, then share a word, phrase, or sense that touches you.
Listen to the Reflection (see link below)or Read the Script.
To Listen to the Audio, click HERE
Simply use these questions as starters to guide your sharing.
What challenges you most from this reflection?
Two ‘biggies’ to ponder on: Home and Family. Both feature in our Scripture passage. What are the most important, most valuable aspects of each of these for you? Consequently, is there anything you want to share with Mary, say to her, or God, coming out of this gospel scene?
I suggested that the two feasts of Our Lady Help of Christians and The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church were similar but different. Where and how might they be different and does one appeal more to you than the other?
Something to do at home – give the Google Images exercise a go. What’s the learning for you, the insight to pray with or to develop personally from this?
Pray for each other’s needs then conclude with this prayer
Mary, woman of such great faith!
We catch only an online of you in the Scriptures,
and in the Church’s liturgy,
but how positive and encouraging these still are!
Help us through our Marist Founders to turn to you,
to follow you in trusting ‘your God and my God too.’
Mary, Help of Christians, Pray for us.