Kia Ora Lay Marists, Marian Mothers & friends,


May is traditionally the month of Mary. It also has several special feasts; Ascension on the 16th, Pentecost Sunday 23rd, The solemnity of the Trinity on the 30th and the Feast of the Visitation on the 31st. In 2018, Pope Francis decreed an annual Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church, on  the  Monday  after  Pentecost. His intention is that the whole church grow in living the maternal dimension of  the Church as well as growth of genuine Marian piety anchored in her devotion to Christ throughout His life, the Mystery of the Cross, the Eucharist and merciful care for all God’s children.

Mary is the mother of the domestic church too. Her witness, prayer and protection, helps us encounter Jesus and as Marists we are called to be as Mary and grow to be ‘as’ her in our ordinary lives. Though we leave the Church building, we cannot be separated from Christ, but live the heartbeat of the Church for the sake of the world.  What are some ways you will include Mary in daily life this month? Every Saturday is a Memorial to the BVM; perhaps a day to bake for someone in need, do something for the environment, join in the prayer of Christian Unity, visit a lonely person, have a Mass prayed for the deceased. What else?

Please share your ideas with us and each other.




A big shout out to the Henderson Marian Mothers who welcomed Bev to their meeting on a balmy 15th March

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity  16 May to 23 May

Cardinal John Dew writes:  “… we are blessed to be living in a time when we talk together about unity, pray together and work together for others.

If possible try to take part in the Week of Prayer in some way, with others or on your own.

The daily prayers can be found at or on your diocesan website, together with information about the Week of Prayer.                           Each of us has a part to play.”



Some Covid Progress.    

As we welcome Australian’s we pray in thanksgiving for the reuniting of separated families

and pray that the suffering, deaths and destructive impact

of the pandemic on the world continue to be pushed back by God’s grace and mercy.


Pope’s May Prayer Intention

Let us pray that those in charge of finance will work with governments to regulate the financial sphere and protect citizens from its dangers.














You, your ideas and both personal and community actions are needed.

Please share proposals or actions with us at the office so you can encourage others. I will add more material as it becomes available.

NZ’s Climate Commission Work.

The NZ Arch Diocese of Wellington is encouraging NZ Catholic’s to get involved. Check it out here- New Zealand’s Climate Commission work ‘absolutely vital’.