In his third encyclical, Pope Francis invites us to recognise that all humanity is intricately linked to each other in one family and asks us to resist the temptation to ‘build a culture of walls.. in the heart and on the land”    Bev shares her thoughts in this reflection.

For the reflection material click HERE

An easy to print Marian Mothers guide to the reflection can be found HERE


Begin with Prayer, then read Zechariah 7:8-10

The word of the Lord came to Zechariah, saying: Thus says the Lord of hosts: Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another;  do not oppress the widow, the orphan, the alien, or the poor; and do not devise evil in your hearts against one another.


  • Read the Scripture again to yourself. Notice how you feel.
  • Share a word, phrase, or sense that touches you.
  • Listen to the Reflection or Read the Script.                     

To Listen to the Audio, click HERE


Simply use the questions below as starters to guide your sharing.

  • What stands out for you from todays reflection?
  • The Pope once said, we must not relate to the ‘adjectives’ about a person, but to their inherent dignity as children of God. How does labelling create ‘outsiders’?
  • Pope Francis said, “Goodness, together with love, justice and solidarity, are not achieved once and for all; they have to be realized each day.” How does that make you feel?
  • What challenges me most, about living the Gospel compassion of God?
  • What do you need from God to feel nurtured by the Holy Spirit and equipped to be a blessing to your family and others.

Marian Mothers Charter No. 5:

When a mother co-operates with God and His loving plan for herself and her family,

she is nurtured by the Holy Spirit. 

She becomes holy; is a blessing and a grace for her family and others.

“The Spirit of God has made His home in you.”  Romans 8:9

Pray Together Then Conclude the Meeting with this Prayer

God of Mercy, we pray for the courage to translate Your love and mercy into daily actions.

Help us build bridges of compassion and grace.

Empower us to break barriers of division and fear.

Free us to surrender more deeply to Your Holy Spirit.

God of power and might, at Pentecost You inspired the disciples to live in harmony

where we see division. Inspire us to new forms of hospitality,

and help us grow as women of mercy in our families and for others.

Mary, mother of Mercy, Pray for us. Amen.