November is the month we remember those who have died, so in Bev’s reflection on grief, we read that the deep sorrow we experience at the death of one we love, needs to be acknowledged and worked through, and we cross a threshold from our old life to the new. Grief teaches us that our lives are not about us, and invites us to solidarity, mercy and deep journeying with one another.

For the reflection material click HERE

An easy-to-print Marist Laity guide can be found HERE

Begin with prayer, then read Job 2:12-13

When they lifted up their eyes at a distance and did not recognize him, they raised their voices and wept. And each of them tore their robe and threw dust over their heads toward the sky.

Then they sat down on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights with no one speaking a word to him, for they saw that his pain was very great.


  • Read the Scripture again to yourself. Notice how you feel.
  • Share a word, phrase or sense that touches you.
  • Listen to the Reflection or read the Script.


To listen online, click HERE.

Marist Moment

We imitate the mother, not the child… Like the mother who increases her efforts when her child is sick, so …  we also should increase our efforts to take care of this world which is increasingly pagan, increasingly estranged from Christ, and try to bring it back; we should be instruments of mercy.”          Jean Coste SM, A Marian Vision of the Church, p.336/1998


  • Share what struck you from the reflection.
  • When have you been companioned in grief or journeyed with some one else.
  • What are some ways you find it helpful to acknowledge or memorialize your losses?
  • Grief offers an opportunity to make our lives about something bigger than ourselves.” What does that statement mean to you ?
  • From your experience what is the gift of grief and what can we do to help build communities where those gifts can be lived and shared?



Pray with and for each other then conclude with this prayer.


God of Mercy and Compassion, Your presence and faithfulness in times of loss console me. I come seeking Your warmth and comfort. 

Help me not to pull away when others offer compassion and the gift of gentle support. Thank you for the hope I can have in You and for the gift of community. Help me when hope grows dim or I cannot pray as I used to.  Help me to know that you hear and cherish the deepest anguish of my heart. 

Lord embrace all who mourn and give them the gift of Mary’s prayer and care.  Lead us Lord to become companions of mercy and healing presence for each other in Your Holy name. Amen.